We specialise in birthday parties but, of course, attend all kinds of events; weddings, christenings, corporate events, nursery graduations, family celebrations, launches and anything else you may need a bit of something for your younger guests.
All of our services on our party page are transferable to all events (if appropriate, taking environment/numbers etc. into consideration), though, these events tend to be unique to the client and require a chat for a bespoke package. Just call Louise on 01875 811387.
Past appearances illustrate that NO-ONE can just walk past iTron. People, young and old, stop in their tracks, try to work out if it’s an actual robot or not..then get their camera phones out!
Once drawn in, iTron has the undivided attention of the passer-by to engage in some banter..and then to draw attention to your product or service.
Here are some ideas from past events:
i-TRON can communicate with his built in p.a. system. To look at a picture is one thing..but to be confronted with a 7 foot robot complete with robotic movement, music, lights and robotic voice..well, that’s something else altogether Visit iTRON’s website at www.i-tron.co.uk for more information